
being managed and obedient

On being the servant-leader in my relationshipThe unexpected benefits of surrendering controlAlpha males and the women who love themNot all men will get it unless you explainPatience, integrity…and being a little sweet always helpsGirl alpha seeks all man alphaToo feminine?StereotypesMy life, my choiceIs she afraid of losing control?
I totally agree with Autumn..I was married to my husband for a year, with constant verbal battles over silly things, that actually he knew better about. Until I read an article about wives being spanked for the sake of the relationship. So after one of our silly arguments I said, OK, I'm sorry, spank me. He did. long and hard too. After this, we have had a much better marriage. I let him have control, and I get soundly spanked if I step out of what was in our agreement. I now sit back and enjoy him being in control, we have a much more harmonious marriage. I don't see myself as being weak or even submissive, I see myself as a wife who puts her husband and her marriage high on the list of importance. Like Autumn. We don't discuss it with friends, but we have a wonderful marriage now which I'd never change for the world.
Well, I personally think it is a fallacy to assume that becaue you know one woman well, that means you know them all well. The argument seems to go something like this:
My wife is a woman
I know my wife really well
Therefore I know women really well
I think this is a very dodgy assumption. I think it might be some kind of logical fallacy, like the Undistributed Middle. Most husbands must, after a certain period of time, know their own wives really well, but that doesn't mean they know anyone else's, and what works for one woman might not work for another. Any man who has had more than one relationship must have noticed differences between the women he has known. Working on the assuption that because you know what your own wife likes, you know what every woman likes, could get you into trouble. Noone's wife doesn't mind being walloped for going out without a flashlight at night, but another woman might be totally pissed off if her husband tried that. One wife's meat is another wife's poison.

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